Course Curriculum
- 11 sections
- 109 lectures
- 8 hours, 15 minutes total length
Who’s the Intended Audience?00:02:00
Getting VMware Certified00:05:00
What is Virtual Machine and Hypervisor?00:04:00
vSphere Licensing Editions00:04:00
What’s the New in VMware vSphere700:03:00
vCenter and the Role00:03:00
VMware Hands on Lab00:06:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Virtualization System Requirements00:04:00
What do we need to start the course?00:05:00
Download VMware workstation00:01:00
Install VMware workstation00:02:00
Download ESXi and vCenter server00:04:00
Download ESXi and vCenter server00:04:00
How to boot a VM from in VMware Workstation00:07:00
Configure ESX Part 100:09:00
Configure ESX Part 200:05:00
ESXi by a Browser00:03:00
ESXi Settings00:05:00
Create a Datastore in ESXi00:04:00
Upload a Windows ISO file to ESXi00:01:00
Install a Virtual Machine in ESXi00:07:00
Connect to an ESXi by VMware Workstation00:02:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Why Do We Need Active Directory00:01:00
Prepare Active Directory Windows 201900:06:00
Create Virtual Machine Template for VMware Workstation00:06:00
Install Active Directory Role00:05:00
Creating DNS Record for vCenter00:02:00
Deploy and install vCenter Appliance00:12:00
Adding ESXis to VC00:03:00
AUTO start VM00:02:00
Verify AUTO Start VM00:03:00
Take Snapshot from vSphere Lab00:03:00
Enable SSH on ESX00:02:00
ESXi DCUI Console00:01:00
vCSA’s Management Ul00:06:00
Install ftp Server Using FileZilla Server00:05:00
Backing up VCSA with ftp Server00:06:00
Restore VCSA00:09:00
Exploring vCSA with vSphere Client00:07:00
Overview of VM Tools00:02:00
Install VM Tools00:04:00
Virtual Machine Files00:02:00
Virtual Machine Power off00:04:00
OVA and OVF Files00:03:00
Demo OVF (Importing and Exporting)00:04:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Virtual Switch (vSwitch) Overview00:03:00
Standard vSwitches00:02:00
Distributed vSwitches00:02:00
Adding Network Adapter00:03:00
vSwitch Creation and Configuration00:07:00
Assign New Switch to the Virtual Machine00:02:00
Verify New vSwitch Configuration00:06:00
Adding VMkernel for Management and Vmotion Traffic00:03:00
Create a vSphere Distributed Switch00:10:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Overview of Using ESXi with a SAN00:02:00
Types of Storage00:03:00
What Is Software-Defined Storage (SEIS)00:04:00
What is File Level Storage and Block Level Storage?00:03:00
What is an iScsi Storage?00:08:00
Adding vSwitch for iScsi Target00:05:00
Adding Disk to Active Directory00:02:00
Enable iScsi Target on Windows Server00:05:00
Adding iSsci Disk as ESXi Datastore00:08:00
Expand and Extend Datastore00:09:00
Enable NFS on Windows Server00:05:00
Creating an NFS Datastore00:03:00
Migrate a VM to NFS Share00:04:00
VM Add to Inventory00:02:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Update Sequence00:03:00
vCenter 6.7 Upgrade to vCenter 700:08:00
Upgrade ESXi 6.7 ESXi 700:04:00
Upgrade ESXi 6.7 ESXi 7 using Bundle File00:07:00
Introduction to vSphere 7 Lifecycle Management00:03:00
Demo vSphere 7 Lifecycle Management00:17:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
vCenter 7 MultiMorning00:02:00
Demo Configure vCenter J MultiMorning00:04:00
vCenter 7 PNID and FQDN Changes00:10:00
vCenter Server Profiles00:04:00
vSphere 7 Licensing00:03:00
What the Module Covers00:01:00
Manual Backup and restore from a VM00:06:00
Backup a VM using Filezilla00:05:00
Backup a VM using OVF Files00:06:00
Clone and Snapshot00:08:00
Installing Veeam Backup and Replication00:05:00
Backup and Restore Using Veeam Backup Software00:09:00
Upload VM from Workstation to ESXi00:04:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
User Identity00:04:00
Users and Poles00:11:00
Define a New Role in vSphere00:04:00
Account Policy and Message00:03:00
Firewall and Service00:11:00
Enable Lockdown Mode00:09:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Troubleshooting using ESXi Management Agents00:05:00
Working with vCenter 7 Logs00:04:00
ESXi Shell Power on and off Commands00:05:00
What This Module Covers00:01:00
Monitoring Virtual Machines in vSphere 700:15:00
Introduction to ESXTOP Command in ESXi00:03:00
Using ESXTOP to Monitor an ESXi 6.0 Host00:07:00
Monitor Vsphere with Veeam ONE00:07:00