Jumpstart your career in web development with “The Front-End Web Developer Bootcamp: HTML, CSS, JS & React.” This immersive course is designed for aspiring developers, guiding you through the essential technologies for building dynamic websites. You’ll start with the fundamentals of HTML and CSS, progressing to JavaScript for interactive features and user engagement.
As you advance, you’ll explore React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, enabling you to create complex, responsive applications. With hands-on projects, coding exercises, and real-world examples, you’ll gain practical experience and a portfolio to showcase your skills.
By the end of this bootcamp, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of front-end development and the confidence to tackle your own projects. Join us and take the first step toward becoming a proficient web developer!
Course Curriculum
- 34 sections
- 157 lectures
- 10 hours, 40 minutes total length
Features of HTML500:01:00
Benefits of using HTML500:01:00
Where and how is HTML5 used?00:01:00
HTML5 editors00:01:00
Downloading Visual Studio Code00:02:00
Course Materials
What are HTML tags?00:02:00
Structure of an HTML5 file00:03:00
File and folder structure00:01:00
How to create an HTML5 file?00:02:00
Heading Tags in HTML00:03:00
HTML5 Quotation and Citation tags00:04:00
Commenting out code in HTML500:02:00
HTML5 attributes00:02:00
How to style in HTML500:02:00
What are anchor tags?00:04:00
What are image tags?00:06:00
What are paragraph tags?00:03:00
What are break tags?00:02:00
What are table tags?00:06:00
List Tags00:04:00
Video Tag00:03:00
Audio Tag00:01:00
Form tags00:06:00
Input Types00:07:00
Input attributes (size, read-only, disabled)00:03:00
Additional input attributes (Min, max, multiple, and placeholder)00:04:00
Required Inputs00:01:00
Examining Block and Inline Elements00:13:00
Introduction to CSS300:02:00
Syntax of CSS300:01:00
Uses of CSS300:04:00
Types of CSS300:07:00
Selectors & Colors in CSS300:08:00
Height and width00:04:00
Margin and padding00:06:00
Text alignment00:03:00
Text transform00:03:00
Text spacing000:03:00
Font family00:07:00
How to use font awesome icons00:05:00
DOM Model in CSS00:02:00
Advanced Selectors00:07:00
Pseudo-classes Part 100:10:00
Pseudo-classes part 200:05:00
Opacity and important00:03:00
Box Shadow00:03:00
Grid System00:11:00
Media Queries00:04:00
Mini Project00:15:00
Introduction and History of JavaScript00:03:00
Syntax of JavaScript and overview00:04:00
JavaScript Implementation00:02:00
How to use HTML tags in JavaScript00:02:00
Var in JavaScript00:07:00
Global and local var in JavaScript00:03:00
Advanced console.log00:03:00
If statement00:02:00
If else statement00:02:00
Condition ternary statement00:03:00
Switch statement00:03:00
If else if statement00:03:00
Break and continue statement00:04:00
Data types00:05:00
Arithmetic operator00:05:00
Assignment operator00:02:00
Comparison operator00:04:00
Alert boxes00:02:00
Confirm box00:01:00
Prompt box00:02:00
Functions with parameters00:02:00
Function with return00:05:00
Events in JavaScript00:05:00
While loop00:05:00
Do while loop00:03:00
For loop00:03:00
Nested loop00:03:00
Modify and delete arrays00:02:00
Sort and revers methods00:03:00
Pop and push methods00:02:00
Shift and unshift method00:02:00
Concat and join method00:03:00
Slice and splice method00:04:00
The isArray method00:02:00
Indexof and lastindex method00:03:00
The forEach method00:02:00
The toString() valueOf() and fill() methods00:02:00
Include methods00:02:00
Some and every method00:03:00
Find and findindex method00:02:00
Filter method00:02:00
Arrays objects00:04:00
For in loop00:03:00
String methods – Part 100:05:00
String methods – Part 200:04:00
String methods – Part 300:10:00
Number Methods00:08:00
Math Method – Part 100:08:00
Math Method – Part 200:08:00
Date method00:05:00
Dom Model00:04:00
Dom other objects00:09:00
Dom get methods00:06:00
Dom styling00:07:00
addEventListener (Events)00:04:00
classList method00:08:00
Parent nodes00:05:00
Children nodes00:04:00
First and last child00:03:00
Next and previous siblings00:02:00
Create element text node00:03:00
Append child and insert before00:03:00
Insert adjacent element and insert adjacent HTML00:05:00
Introduction to React.JS00:06:00
First React App00:10:00
JSX In React.JS00:04:00
Inline and Internal Styling in React.JS00:05:00
Template literals in React.JS00:06:00
Components in React.JS00:06:00
Props in React.JS00:07:00
Hooks in Reacts.JS00:03:00
Understanding hierarchy in React.JS00:06:00
Conditional rendering00:04:00
useEffect Hook in React.JS00:02:00
Linking in react-router-dom00:03:00
Handling Error Pages with react-router-dom00:03:00
Using the useNavigate() hook00:02:00
First Project (Part 1)00:09:00
First Project (Part 2)00:03:00
Building a Calculator – Part 100:03:00
Building a Calculator – Part 200:03:00
Building a Restful API in React.JS – Part 100:03:00
Building a Restful API in React.JS – Part 200:05:00
Building a Restful API in React.JS – Part 300:05:00
Using array.map() inside JSX elements00:05:00
How to use Material UI in React.JS00:06:00