Course Curriculum
- 15 sections
- 131 lectures
- 22 hours, 34 minutes total length
Building a Data-driven Organization – Introduction00:04:00
Data Engineering00:06:00
Learning Environment & Course Material00:04:00
Movielens Dataset00:03:00
Introduction to Relational Databases00:09:00
Movielens Relational Model00:15:00
Movielens Relational Model: Normalization vs Denormalization00:16:00
Movielens in MySQL: Database import00:06:00
OLTP in RDBMS: CRUD Applications00:17:00
Data Warehousing00:15:00
Analytical Processing00:17:00
Transaction Logs00:06:00
Relational Databases – Wrap Up00:03:00
Distributed Databases00:07:00
CAP Theorem00:10:00
Other Classifications00:07:00
Introduction to KV Stores00:02:00
Install Redis00:07:00
Time Complexity of Algorithm00:05:00
Data Structures in Redis : Key & String00:20:00
Data Structures in Redis II : Hash & List00:18:00
Data structures in Redis III : Set & Sorted Set00:21:00
Data structures in Redis IV : Geo & HyperLogLog00:11:00
Data structures in Redis V : Pubsub & Transaction00:08:00
Modelling Movielens in Redis00:11:00
Redis Example in Application00:29:00
KV Stores: Wrap Up00:02:00
Introduction to Document-Oriented Databases00:05:00
MongoDB Installation00:02:00
Movielens in MongoDB00:13:00
Movielens in MongoDB: Normalization vs Denormalization00:11:00
Movielens in MongoDB: Implementation00:10:00
CRUD Operations in MongoDB00:13:00
MongoDB Aggregation Query – MapReduce function00:09:00
MongoDB Aggregation Query – Aggregation Framework00:16:00
Demo: MySQL vs MongoDB. Modeling with Spark00:02:00
Document Stores: Wrap Up00:03:00
Introduction to Search Engine Stores00:05:00
Basic Terms Concepts and Description00:13:00
Movielens in Elastisearch00:12:00
CRUD in Elasticsearch00:15:00
Search Queries in Elasticsearch00:23:00
Aggregation Queries in Elasticsearch00:23:00
The Elastic Stack (ELK)00:12:00
Use case: UFO Sighting in ElasticSearch00:29:00
Search Engines: Wrap Up00:04:00
Introduction to Columnar databases00:06:00
HBase Architecture00:09:00
HBase Installation00:09:00
Apache Zookeeper00:06:00
Movielens Data in HBase00:17:00
Performing CRUD in HBase00:24:00
SQL on HBase – Apache Phoenix00:14:00
SQL on HBase – Apache Phoenix – Movielens00:10:00
Demo : GeoLife GPS Trajectories00:02:00
Wide Column Store: Wrap Up00:05:00
Introduction to Time Series00:09:00
InfluxDB Installation00:07:00
InfluxDB Data Model00:07:00
Data manipulation in InfluxDB00:17:00
TICK Stack I00:12:00
TICK Stack II00:23:00
Time Series Databases: Wrap Up00:04:00
Introduction to Graph Databases00:05:00
Modelling in Graph00:14:00
Modelling Movielens as a Graph00:10:00
Neo4J installation00:08:00
Cypher II00:19:00
Movielens in Neo4J: Data Import00:17:00
Movielens in Neo4J: Spring Application00:12:00
Data Analysis in Graph Databases00:05:00
Examples of Graph Algorithms in Neo4J00:18:00
Graph Databases: Wrap Up00:07:00
Introduction to Big Data With Apache Hadoop00:06:00
Big Data Storage in Hadoop (HDFS)00:16:00
Big Data Processing : YARN00:11:00
Data Processing in Hadoop (MapReduce)00:14:00
Examples in MapReduce00:25:00
Data Processing in Hadoop (Pig)00:12:00
Examples in Pig00:21:00
Data Processing in Hadoop (Spark)00:23:00
Examples in Spark00:23:00
Data Analytics with Apache Spark00:09:00
Data Compression00:06:00
Data serialization and storage formats00:20:00
Hadoop: Wrap Up00:07:00
Introduction Big Data SQL Engines00:03:00
Apache Hive00:10:00
Apache Hive : Demonstration00:20:00
MPP SQL-on-Hadoop: Introduction00:03:00
Impala : Demonstration00:18:00
PrestoDB : Demonstration00:14:00
SQL-on-Hadoop: Wrap Up00:02:00
Data Architectures00:05:00
Introduction to Distributed Commit Logs00:07:00
Apache Kafka00:03:00
Confluent Platform Installation00:10:00
Data Modeling in Kafka I00:13:00
Data Modeling in Kafka II00:15:00
Data Generation for Testing00:09:00
Use case: Toll fee Collection00:04:00
Stream processing00:11:00
Stream Processing II with Stream + Connect APIs00:19:00
Example: Kafka Streams00:15:00
KSQL : Streaming Processing in SQL00:04:00
KSQL: Example00:14:00
Demonstration: NYC Taxi and Fares00:01:00
Streaming: Wrap Up00:02:00
Database Polyglot00:04:00
Extending your knowledge00:08:00
Data Visualization00:11:00
Building a Data-driven Organization – Conclusion00:07:00
Assignment -SQL NoSQL Big Data and Hadoop
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