Course Curriculum
- 6 sections
- 13 lectures
- 2 days, 3 hours total length
About REBT00:03:00
REBT in Nutshell00:07:00
Rational, Emotive, Behavior and Therapy00:10:00
“Musts” vs “Preferences” and “Irrational” vs “Rational” Thinking00:17:00
ABC-DE-FG Model00:15:00
Advanced REBT Technique00:13:00
Step-by-Step REBT00:06:00
REBT for Depression00:04:00
REBT for Stress and Anxiety00:03:00
REBT for Substance Abuse and Addiction00:04:00
REBT for Phobia00:02:00
Assignment – Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy00:50:00
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