Course Curriculum
- 5 sections
- 22 lectures
- 1 hour, 34 minutes total length
Introduction to types of ML algorithm00:02:00
SVM – Python Implementation00:06:00
Introduction to types of ML algorithm00:02:00
Importing a dataset in python00:02:00
Resolving Missing Values00:06:00
Managing Category Variables00:04:00
Training and Testing Datasets00:07:00
Normalizing Variables00:02:00
Normalizing Variables – Python Code00:03:00
Simple Linear Regression – How it works?00:04:00
Simple Linear Regreesion – Python Implementation00:07:00
Multiple Linear Regression – How it works?00:01:00
Multiple Linear Regression – Python Implementation00:09:00
Decision Trees – How it works?00:05:00
Random Forest – How it works?00:03:00
Decision Trees and Random Forest – Python Implementation00:04:00
kNN – How it works?00:02:00
kNN – Python Implementation00:10:00
Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest Classifier in Python00:10:00
SVM – How it works?00:04:00
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