Course Curriculum
- 22 sections
- 97 lectures
- 00:00:00 total length
Medical Coding Introduction
00:15:00 -
00:01:00 -
How to Use Medical Coding Books?
Conventions Introduction
00:03:00 -
Conventions Part-1
00:19:00 -
Conventions Part-2
00:17:00 -
Conventions Part-3
00:17:00 -
Conventions Part-4
Locating a code in the ICD-10-CM
00:02:00 -
Level of Detail in Coding
00:01:00 -
Code or codes from A00.0 through T88.9, Z00-Z99.8
00:01:00 -
Signs and symptoms
00:02:00 -
Conditions that are an integral part of a disease process
00:01:00 -
Conditions that are not an integral part of a disease process
00:02:00 -
Multiple coding for a single condition Part-1
00:02:00 -
Multiple coding for a single condition Part 2
00:01:00 -
Acute and Chronic Conditions
00:02:00 -
Combination Code
00:02:00 -
Sequela (Late Effects)
00:02:00 -
Impending or Threatened Condition
00:01:00 -
Reporting Same Diagnosis Code More than Once
00:01:00 -
00:02:00 -
Documentation by Clinicians Other than the Patient’s Provider
00:02:00 -
Documentation of Complications of Care Part 1
00:02:00 -
Documentation of Complications of Care Part 2
00:01:00 -
Borderline Diagnosis
00:01:00 -
Use of Sign -Symptom- Unspecified Codes
00:02:00 -
Coding for Healthcare Encounters in Hurricane Aftermath
Digital Medical Coding Mastery (DMCM)
HIV Coding Guidelines
00:13:00 -
Infections resistant to antibiotics
00:02:00 -
Coding of Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock
00:13:00 -
Zika virus infections
Introduction of Neoplasm or Cancer
00:02:00 -
Treatment directed at Malignancy or Cancer
00:02:00 -
Treatment of Secondary Cancer site
00:02:00 -
Coding & Sequencing of complications
00:04:00 -
Primary malignancy previously excised
00:01:00 -
Encounters involving chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy
00:02:00 -
Encounter to determine extent of malignancy
00:01:00 -
Signs and Symptoms with Neoplasms
00:02:00 -
Admission for pain control management
00:01:00 -
Malignancy in two or more non-contiguous sites
00:02:00 -
Disseminated Malignant Neoplasm
00:01:00 -
Malignant Neoplasm without specification of site
00:01:00 -
Sequencing of Neoplasm codes
00:06:00 -
Current Malignancy versus personal history of Malignancy
00:04:00 -
Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma
00:02:00 -
Aftercare, Follow-up, Prophylactic organ removal
Introduction Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases
00:01:00 -
Diabetes mellitus (DM)
00:01:00 -
Diabetes mellitus and use of insulin
00:01:00 -
DM in Pregnancy
00:01:00 -
Complications due to Insulin Pump Malfunction
00:02:00 -
Secondary Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Pain Disorder related to Psychological Factor
00:02:00 -
MSBP (Munchausen’s Syndrome By Proxy)
Introduction of Nervous System
00:03:00 -
Pain Coding Guidelines
00:03:00 -
Pain due to Device and Post OP Pain
00:03:00 -
Post OP Pain associated
00:01:00 -
Chronic Pain, Neoplasm related and Chronic pain Syndrome
00:05:00 -
Tip for Today
Glaucoma Coding Guidelines
00:07:00 -
Blindness Coding Guidelines
Hypertension (HTN) Coding Guidelines
00:06:00 -
Different types of Hypertension combination codes
00:10:00 -
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Coding Guidelines
00:04:00 -
Intra and Postoperative CVA
00:03:00 -
Acute and Sequela Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
00:06:00 -
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
00:09:00 -
Tip for Today
Guidelines for COPD
00:07:00 -
Guidelines for Respiratory Failure and Influenza
00:00:00 -
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Pressure Ulcer Coding Guidelines
00:07:00 -
Non Pressure Ulcer Coding Guidelines
Musculoskeletal System
CKD & Transplant status
00:10:00 -
Tip for you
General Rules to code Pregnancy
00:15:00 -
Selection of Codes in obstetrics
00:10:00 -
Pre-existing conditions in Pregnancy
00:07:00 -
Pregnancy Combination conditions
00:17:00 -
Postpartum and Peri partum
00:09:00 -
Termination and Spontaneous Abortion
Newborn General Guidelines
00:10:00 -
Additional Diagnosis and Newborn codes
Congenital Malformation Codes
Symptoms Guidelines R Series
Coding Injury & Fracture
00:26:00 -
Coding of Burns and Corrosions
00:15:00 -
Adult, Child Abuse, Neglect
00:07:00 -
Adverse effect, Poisoning
00:17:00 -
Complication of Care
Assignment – Level-4 Medical coding Training: ICD-10-CM