Course Curriculum
- 13 sections
- 78 lectures
- 00:00:00 total length
LEED Green Associate (LEED GA BD+C Introduction).
Integrative Process.
00:04:00 -
Integrative Project Planning and Design.
Location and Transportation Overview.
00:03:00 -
Neighbourhood Development.
00:03:00 -
Sensitive Land.
00:02:00 -
High Priority Site.
00:02:00 -
Surrounding Density & Diverse Uses.
00:07:00 -
Access to Quality Transit.
00:06:00 -
Bicycle Facilities.
00:06:00 -
Reduced Parking Footprint.
00:04:00 -
Green Vehicles.
Sustainable Site Overview.
00:02:00 -
Construction Activity Pollution Prevention.
00:03:00 -
Environmental Site Assessment.
00:03:00 -
Restore or Protect Habitat.
00:04:00 -
Open Space.
00:03:00 -
Rainwater Management.
00:03:00 -
Heat Island Reduction.
00:04:00 -
Light Pollution Reduction.
00:05:00 -
Site Master Plan.
00:02:00 -
Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines.
00:02:00 -
Places of Respite.
00:03:00 -
Direct Exterior Access.
00:02:00 -
Joint Use Facilities.
Water Efficiency Overview.
00:01:00 -
Prereq Outdoor Water Use.
00:03:00 -
Prereq Indoor Water Use.
00:04:00 -
Building Water Metering Credit.
00:02:00 -
Credit Outdoor Water Use.
00:02:00 -
Indoor Water Use.
00:03:00 -
Cooling Tower Water use.
00:03:00 -
Building Water Metering Credit.
Energy & Atmosphere Overview.
00:02:00 -
Fundamental Commissioning & Verification.
00:04:00 -
Minimum Energy Performance
00:05:00 -
Prereq Building Level Energy Metering.
00:02:00 -
Fundamental Refrigerant Management.
00:02:00 -
Enhanced Commissioning.
00:05:00 -
Minimum Energy Performance.
00:04:00 -
Advanced Energy Metering.
00:02:00 -
Demand Response.
00:03:00 -
Renewable Energy Production.
00:02:00 -
Enhanced Refrigerant Management.
00:03:00 -
Green Power and Carbon Offsets.
Materials & Resources Overview.
00:02:00 -
Storage and Collection of Recyclables.
00:03:00 -
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning.
00:02:00 -
Preq PBT Source Reduction – Mercury.
00:03:00 -
Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction.
00:05:00 -
BPDO Environmental Product Declaration.
00:04:00 -
BPDO Sourcing of Raw Materials.
00:03:00 -
BPDO Material Ingredients.
00:05:00 -
PBT Source Reduction – Mercury Credit.
00:02:00 -
PBT Source Reduction – Lead Cadmium Copper.
00:03:00 -
Furniture and Medical Furnishings.
00:04:00 -
Design for Flexibility.
00:02:00 -
Construction and Demolition Waste Management.
Indoor Environment Quality Overview.
00:01:00 -
Min Indoor Air Quality Performance.
00:06:00 -
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control.
00:03:00 -
Minimum Accoustic Performance.
00:03:00 -
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies.
00:02:00 -
Low Emitting Materials.
00:03:00 -
Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan.
00:04:00 -
Indoor Air Quality Assessment.
00:03:00 -
Thermal Comfort.
00:04:00 -
Interior Lighting.
00:06:00 -
00:06:00 -
Quality Views.
00:03:00 -
Accoustic Performance.
Innovation Credit.
00:03:00 -
Innovation LEED AP.
Regional Priority.
00:01:00 -
Regional Priority Credit.
Assignment – LEED Green Associate.
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