Course Curriculum
- 9 sections
- 96 lectures
- 22 hours, 57 minutes total length
Promo Video00:02:00
First look at Kotlin00:04:00
Install JDK and Android Studio for Mac00:13:00
Install JDK and Android Studio for Windows00:10:00
Android Emulator00:12:00
DinnerDecider Part 100:21:00
DinnerDecider Part 200:24:00
DinnerDecider Part 300:11:00
Run on a Real Device!00:07:00
Run on a Real Device from Windows!00:06:00
Installing IntellijIDEA for Mac00:09:00
Installing IntellijIDEA for Windows00:09:00
Variables with Kotlin00:17:00
Strings with Kotlin00:22:00
Numbers and Operators with Kotlin00:04:00
Functions with Kotlin00:17:00
Conditional Logic with Kotlin00:19:00
Collections with Kotlin00:19:00
Loops with Kotlin00:09:00
Nullability with Kotlin00:18:00
Classes and Inheritance with Kotlin00:28:00
Lambda with Kotlin00:23:00
Intro to Git and Terminal00:01:00
Git and Version Control – The Fun Way!00:12:00
Terminal Basics – Changing Directories00:06:00
Terminal Basics – Creating Directories and Files00:05:00
Terminal Basics – Copying and Renaming Files00:09:00
Terminal Basics – Deleting Files and Directories00:06:00
Terminal Basics – Git Basics00:17:00
Setting up Github00:05:00
Working with Local and Remote Repositories00:11:00
Handling Git Merge Conflicts00:17:00
Using Git with Android Studio00:13:00
Importing Projects and Merge Conflicts00:15:00
Intro to Android Constraint Layout00:16:00
Phone Portrait Layout Part 100:20:00
Phone Portrait Layout Part 200:19:00
Tablet Portrait Layout00:27:00
Tablet Landscape00:24:00
Intro to the app00:02:00
Welcome Screen Layout00:22:00
League Selection Layout00:21:00
Intents and Context00:20:00
Lifecycle Overview00:04:00
Lifecycle in action00:13:00
Skill Selection Layout00:16:00
Buttoning up the Activities00:18:00
Toggling the Skills00:21:00
Instance State00:13:00
Swoosh Challenge00:01:00
CoderSwag Introduction00:02:00
Data Structure00:19:00
Simple ListView00:14:00
Custom List Adapter00:20:00
View Holder00:12:00
RecyclerView Adapter00:29:00
Recycler View Clicks00:13:00
Product List View00:10:00
Product Recycle Adapter00:23:00
Smack Introduction00:04:00
Project Setup00:23:00
MainActivity UI Setup00:18:00
Login Activity UI00:12:00
CreateUserActivity UI00:14:00
Generate Avatar and Background Color00:15:00
Webrequests and APIs00:09:00
Hosting API00:20:00
Local Hosting API00:20:00
Our First Web Request00:20:00
Registering a User00:18:00
Login User00:27:00
Creating a User00:23:00
Polishing up Create User Activity00:17:00
Broadcast Receiver00:26:00
Find User00:20:00
Polishing up the Login Activity00:11:00
Add Channel Dialog00:15:00
Downloading Channels00:26:00
Shared Preferences00:24:00
Channel Selection00:12:00
Send and Receive Message00:18:00
Downloading Messages00:21:00
Displaying Messages00:23:00
Date Formatter00:17:00
Intro to Section – Google Play Store00:02:00
Side Loading00:10:00
Registering Account00:04:00
Removing Logs00:06:00
Generate Signed APK00:06:00
Store Listing00:18:00
Assignment -Kotlin for Android