Course Curriculum
- 12 sections
- 65 lectures
- 4 hours, 4 minutes total length
Introduction and History of JavaScript00:03:00
Syntax of JavaScript and overview00:04:00
JavaScript Implementation00:02:00
How to use HTML tags in JavaScript00:02:00
Course Materials
Var in JavaScript00:07:00
Global and local var in JavaScript00:03:00
Advanced console.log00:03:00
If statement00:02:00
If else statement00:02:00
Condition ternary statement00:03:00
Switch statement00:03:00
If else if statement00:03:00
Break and continue statement00:04:00
Data types00:05:00
Arithmetic operator00:05:00
Assignment operator00:02:00
Comparison operator00:04:00
Alert boxes00:02:00
Confirm box00:01:00
Prompt box00:02:00
Functions with parameters00:02:00
Function with return00:05:00
Events in JavaScript00:05:00
While loop00:05:00
Do while loop00:03:00
For loop00:03:00
Nested loop00:03:00
Modify and delete arrays00:03:00
Sort and revers methods00:03:00
Pop and push methods00:02:00
Shift and unshift method00:02:00
Concat and join method00:03:00
Slice and splice method00:04:00
The isArray method00:02:00
Indexof and lastindex method00:03:00
The forEach method00:02:00
The toString() valueOf() and fill() methods00:02:00
Include methods00:02:00
Some and every method00:03:00
Find and findindex method00:02:00
Filter method00:02:00
Arrays objects00:04:00
For in loop00:03:00
Number Methods00:08:00
Math Method00:08:00
Date method00:05:00
Dom Model00:04:00
Dom other objects00:09:00
Dom get methods00:06:00
Dom styling00:07:00
addEventListener (Events)00:04:00
classList method00:08:00
Parent nodes00:05:00
Children nodes00:04:00
First and last child00:03:00
Next and previous siblings00:02:00
Create element text node00:03:00
Append child and insert before00:03:00
Insert adjacent element and insert adjacent HTML00:05:00