Course Curriculum
- 16 sections
- 66 lectures
- 8 hours, 53 minutes total length
Module 01: Introduction00:02:00
Module 02: Course Agenda00:03:00
Module 01: Introduction to Internet of Things00:13:00
Module 02: Choosing Cloud Services for IoT00:05:00
Module 03: What is Raspberry Pi Part 1?00:09:00
Module 04: What is Raspberry Pi Part 2?00:06:00
Module 01: Downloading OS for Raspberry Pi Noobs-Raspbian00:07:00
Module 02: Install OS using NOOBS00:11:00
Module 03: Remote Control of Raspberry Pi Using VNC Viewer00:10:00
Module 04: Install OS using Raspbian Image part 100:06:00
Module 05: Install OS using Raspbian Image part 200:02:00
Module 01: Getting Around Raspbian Operating System part 100:10:00
Module 02: Getting around Raspbian Operating System part 200:08:00
Module 03: Getting around Raspbian Operating System part 300:06:00
Module 04: How To Run Python program On Raspberry Pi00:09:00
Module 01: Raspberry PI GPIO Concepts00:07:00
Module 02: Raspberry Pi GPIO Interfacing Single LED00:17:00
Module 03: Raspberry Pi GPIO Interfacing Multiple LED’s00:09:00
Module 04: Rapberry Pi GPIO Interfacing Buzzer00:03:00
Module 01: Raspberry Pi and Transistorized Switching00:09:00
Module 02: Raspberry Pi and Relay part 100:13:00
Module 03: Raspberry Pi and Relay part 200:08:00
Module 01: Accepting Digital Input on Raspberry Pi Part 100:13:00
Module 02: Accepting Digital Inputs on Raspberry Pi Part 200:07:00
Module 01: Sensor Interfacing With Raspberry Pi LDR100:05:00
Module 02: Sensor Interfacing With Raspberry Pi LDR 200:10:00
Module 03: Sensor Interfacing With Raspberry Pi LDR 300:07:00
Module 04: Sensor Interfacing with Rapberry Pi DHTT11 part 100:10:00
Module 05: Sensor Interfacing with Rapberry Pi DHTT11 part 200:10:00
Module 06: Sensor Interfacing with Raspberry pi Using SenseHAT00:11:00
Module 07: Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing with Raspberry Pi00:14:00
Module 01: BMP180 with Raspberry Pi00:07:00
Module 02: Enabling I2C on Raspberry Pi00:05:00
Module 03: BMP180 Python Code00:06:00
Module 01: Getting Started With IoT00:11:00
Module 02: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Part 100:04:00
Module 03: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Part 200:05:00
Module 04: Getting Started with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Part 300:09:00
Module 05: Create Device inside Azure IoT Hub00:06:00
Module 06: Enable Azure Cloud Shell and enable IoT Extension00:08:00
Module 07: Send Data to Azure IoT Hub Using Python Program00:09:00
Module 08: Send Actual Temperature and Humidity Values to Azure IoT hub00:03:00
Module 09: Storing the Data on Microsoft Azure Using Custom Gateway00:13:00
Module 10: Save data to blob storage using Stream Analytics Job00:12:00
Module 11: Data Visualization with Power BI Part 100:07:00
Module 12: Data Visualization with Power BI Part 200:12:00
Module 13: Creating Custom web app with azure for data visualization Part 100:10:00
Module 14: Creating Custom web app with azure for data visualization Part 200:14:00
Module 15: Creating Custom web app with azure for data visualization Part 300:12:00
Module 16: Dealing with password error while pushing your webapp to azure00:01:00
Module 17: Cleaning up Azure Resources00:02:00
Module 18: Remote Monitoring using Azure Logic App Part 100:12:00
Module 19: Remote Monitoring using Azure Logic App Part 200:10:00
Module 01: Introduction to Thingspeak00:06:00
Module 02: Create an account and send data to Thingspeak00:08:00
Module 01: Getting started with SaaS IoT Platform io.adafruit.com00:08:00
Module 02: What is MQTT?00:10:00
Module 03: Sending Data to Adafruit Io Using MQTT Part 100:17:00
Module 04: Sending Data to Adafruit io Using MQTT part 200:14:00
Module 05: Home automation project with adafruit IO Part 100:15:00
Module 06: Home Automation Project with Adafruit IO Part 200:02:00
Module 01: IoT Security00:14:00
Module 02: Conclusion00:01:00
Resources – Internet of Things
Assignment – Internet of Things
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