Course Curriculum
- 3 sections
- 22 lectures
- 2 hours, 25 minutes total length
Module 01: Course Introduction00:04:00
Module 02: Previous Knowledge00:03:00
Module 03: Full Stack Dapplication Development00:06:00
Module 04: More about Web300:06:00
Module 05: Main Functionality of Web3 and Ganache00:07:00
Module 06: Simple Practical Use of Web300:12:00
Module 07: Getting Started With Truffle Project00:09:00
Module 08: Truffle React Box Deployment00:08:00
Module 09: How Ganache Works00:02:00
Module 10: Getting Started With App.Js File00:09:00
Module 11: Get & Set Methods Used00:08:00
Module 12: Let’s Send Ethers00:08:00
Module 13: Setup the App.Js for First Function00:08:00
Module 14: App.Js for Second Type and Window Function.00:12:00
Module 15: Continuation of App500:02:00
Module 16: Diving Into Events00:09:00
Module 17: Continuing With Events00:09:00
Module 18: Filtering Past Events00:07:00
Module 19: Web3 Utils00:08:00
Module 20: More Web3 Utils Functions00:08:00
Assignment – Integration of Blockchain dapps with WEB3.JS
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