Course Curriculum
- 14 sections
- 44 lectures
- 1 hour, 56 minutes total length
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Managing Labels00:02:00
Unit 3: Search Filters00:02:00
Unit 4: Tasks00:02:00
Unit 1: Introduction to Drive00:02:00
Unit 2: Navigating, Organising & Searching00:04:00
Unit 3: Creating, Nesting & Sharing Folders00:06:00
Unit 4: Uploading & Creating New Documents00:02:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Using Docs for Research00:02:00
Unit 3: Sharing Settings for Collaboration00:03:00
Unit 4: Collaborating with Comments, Suggestions & Version History00:04:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Sorting & Filtering00:04:00
Unit 3: Using Basic Formulas & Functions00:05:00
Unit 4: Working with Charts & Graphs00:04:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Inserting Elements00:03:00
Unit 3: Collaborative Group Work Features00:03:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Creating Questions00:04:00
Unit 3: Inserting Multimedia00:02:00
Unit 4: Form Settings & Sharing Options00:03:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Creating a New Site & Adding Pages00:02:00
Unit 3: Working with Page Elements00:03:00
Unit 4: Controlling Website Access00:04:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Finding & Subscribing to Channels00:02:00
Unit 3: Working with Playlists00:02:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Creating New Calendars00:02:00
Unit 3: Creating & Editing Events00:03:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:02:00
Unit 2: Classroom Layout00:03:00
Unit 3: Creating & Grading Assignments00:10:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Working with Bookmarks00:03:00
Unit 3: Searching Efficiently00:03:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Using Met & Chat00:03:00
Unit 1: Introduction00:01:00
Unit 2: Creating & Adding Members00:05:00
Unit 1: Introduction to Digital Citizenship00:01:00