Course Curriculum
- 9 sections
- 31 lectures
- 2 hours, 11 minutes total length
Module 01: Introduction00:02:00
Module 02: Setting up a Web Server.00:03:00
Module 03: 3D Basics.00:04:00
Module 04: How to get your assets.00:04:00
Module 05: Using Blender.00:04:00
Module 01: The THREE.js website.00:02:00
Module 02: Your first 3D app.00:11:00
Module 03: The FBXLoader class.00:05:00
Module 01: The CANNON.js website.00:03:00
Module 02: CANNON.js basics.00:12:00
Module 03: More about rigid bodies.00:04:00
Module 04: Debugging your physics.00:06:00
Module 01: Creating a CANNON.RaycastVehicle.00:06:00
Module 02: Adding wheels.00:06:00
Module 03: Using the JoyStick class to control your vehicle.00:05:00
Module 04: Limitations for colliders.00:01:00
Module 01: Sizing your assets.00:03:00
Module 02: Adding colliders.00:03:00
Module 03: Loading your assets.00:09:00
Module 04: Converting the colliders to Cannon Bodies.00:09:00
Module 05: Adding a SkyBox.00:02:00
Module 06: Adding checkpoints and resetting the car.00:03:00
Module 07: Using the Preloader class.00:02:00
Module 08: Adding SFX.00:03:00
Module 01: Limiting the GUI to the corners and the centre.00:07:00
Module 02: Adding onclick events.00:07:00
Module 03: Controlling the width and height for different screens.00:02:00
Module 01: What have you learned?.00:02:00
Module 02: More fun with THREE.js and CANNON.js.00:01:00
Resources – Create a 3D Car Racing Game
Assignment – Create a 3D Car Racing Game.