Course Curriculum
- 10 sections
- 42 lectures
- 4 hours, 38 minutes total length
Module 01: Welcome to the course00:04:00
Module 02: The history of WebXR00:06:00
Module 03: A 3D Primer00:05:00
Module 04: The THREE.js Examples00:06:00
Module 01: Setting up a simple THREE.js page using modules00:06:00
Module 02: Creating a rotating Cube00:10:00
Module 03: The THREE.js editor00:08:00
Module 04: Geometries00:07:00
Module 05: Materials00:06:00
Module 06: Loaders00:07:00
Module 01: Converting a standard THREE.js web app to use WebXR00:05:00
Module 02: Customising the VRButton00:12:00
Module 03: Adding user interaction with a controller device00:08:00
Module 04: Adding a button press event to the controller00:09:00
Module 05: Creating a custom controller00:07:00
Module 06: Accessing the gamepad00:10:00
Module 07: Moving around a VR world00:08:00
Module 08: Physics in your VR world00:12:00
Module 09: Creating an AR experience00:07:00
Module 10: Controllers in an AR app00:07:00
Module 11: Touch gestures in an AR app00:10:00
Module 12: Hit testing in AR00:10:00
Module 01: Finding assets online00:06:00
Module 02: Using Mixamo to setup character animations00:03:00
Module 03: Using Blender to export assets00:04:00
Module 04: Using the THREE.js animation system00:08:00
Module 01: XRSystem and XRSession00:04:00
Module 02: XRFrame and XRSpace00:03:00
Module 03: XRInputSource00:05:00
Module 01: Moving around an environment00:06:00
Module 02: Interacting with objects in the scene00:07:00
Module 03: Using a GazeController00:03:00
Module 04: Making the app functional on a none XR device00:04:00
Module 01: Using AR to create a tape measure00:11:00
Module 02: Adding dynamic animation to a product00:04:00
Module 01: Movement by teleporting00:06:00
Module 02: Interacting with meshes00:06:00
Module 03: Using a controller as a weapon00:09:00
Module 01: CanvasUI – part 100:06:00
Module 02: CanvasUI – part 200:04:00
Module 03: Using CanvasUI for training00:09:00
Resources – Build WebXR, VR and AR, experiences using Three.JS