Course Curriculum
- 10 sections
- 28 lectures
- 2 hours, 21 minutes total length
Module 01: What are you going to learn?00:03:00
Module 02: Setting up a simple web server00:03:00
Module 03: 3D basics00:04:00
Module 04: Introducing THREE.js00:09:00
Module 01: Finding environment assets to use in your game00:04:00
Module 02: Using Mixamo characters and animations00:04:00
Module 03: An overview of Blender00:04:00
Module 04: 3D formats00:08:00
Module 05: Editing your assets00:03:00
Module 01: Creating a Preloader00:07:00
Module 02: The THREE.js Animation system00:04:00
Module 03: Using the FBXLoader class00:08:00
Module 01: Creating an onscreen joystick00:07:00
Module 02: Switching animations dynamically00:06:00
Module 01: Changing camera angle00:07:00
Module 02: Using the Raycaster class to avoid walking through the environment00:06:00
Module 03: Loading the environment00:02:00
Module 04: Creating a simplified version of your environment00:05:00
Module 01: Using proximity testing for custom actions00:08:00
Module 02: Adding cut scenes00:06:00
Module 03: Adding custom animations using a Tween class00:04:00
Module 01: The SFX class00:06:00
Module 02: Adjust volume using proximity00:02:00
Module 01: Creating a NavMesh00:07:00
Module 02: Using a NavMesh00:10:00
Module 01: What you’ve learned00:03:00
Module 02: More ideas for THREE.js games00:01:00
Resources – Build a 3D RPG Game With THREE.js