Course Curriculum
- 11 sections
- 54 lectures
- 4 hours, 53 minutes total length
Introduction to Financial Statements and Analysis00:05:00
Why are Financial Statements Important00:07:00
What do we mean by Financial Accounting?00:04:00
Accounting Standards and why they are important00:06:00
The Concepts and Principles Underlying Accounting00:06:00
Single Entry vs Double Entry Book Keeping00:08:00
Understanding The Accounting Equation00:06:00
The Accounting Cycle00:05:00
Financial Statements00:07:00
Section Introduction – Understanding Financial Statements00:02:00
Overview of Financial Statements00:03:00
GAAP: Accruals and Cash Accounting00:06:00
Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account00:08:00
Introduction to the Balance Sheet00:11:00
Introduction to the Cash Flow Statement00:06:00
Cash Flow Metrics Explained00:09:00
Case Study- Apple Financial Statements00:04:00
What is Working Capital00:03:00
What is the Working Capital Cycle?00:05:00
Why is working Capital Management important00:05:00
Working Capital Analysis00:05:00
Working Capital Ratios00:07:00
Working Capital Policies00:05:00
Working Capital Summary00:03:00
Section Introduction: Strategic Financial Analysis00:01:00
What is Financial Analysis?00:11:00
Measures of Profitability Financial Analysis00:04:00
Balance Sheet Ratio Analysis00:12:00
Cash Flow Statement Analysis00:05:00
Valuation Ratios00:04:00
Section Introduction: Financial Analysis – Case Study and Assignment00:01:00
Case Study Assignments Apple Inc Financial Analysis00:06:00
Apple Inc Financial Analysis – Solution00:03:00
Discussion of Measurements of Growth Analysis00:05:00
Discussion of Measures of Profitability Analysis00:07:00
Discussion of Trading Performance Analysis00:03:00
Discussion of Working Capital (Liquidity and Efficiency) Analysis00:12:00
What do we mean by Corporate Finance?00:06:00
Financial Ratios in Corporate Finance00:03:00
Liquidity Ratios in Corporate Finance00:08:00
Operational Risk Ratios in Corporate Finance00:08:00
Profitability Ratios in Corporate Finance00:08:00
Efficiency Ratios in Corporate Finance00:07:00
Why is modelling so critical00:03:00
Three Models You Will Need00:08:00
Understanding The Integrated Financial Statements Model00:06:00
The Integrated Financial Statements Model Example00:07:00
Key Tips to Modelling the Integrated Financial Statements Model00:02:00
Assignment – Banking and Finance Accounting Statements Financial Analysis
Understanding the Discounted Cash Flow Formula00:06:00
Understanding the Merger Model00:08:00
Course Summary and Wrap Up00:03:00
Banking and Finance Accounting Statements Financial Analysis
Assignment – Banking and Finance Accounting Statements Financial Analysis