Course Curriculum
- 10 sections
- 21 lectures
- 2 hours, 16 minutes total length
Creating Demo Application00:07:00
Components for Header00:10:00
Creating Footer00:06:00
Syntax for Footer00:05:00
Header Component00:05:00
Security related Feature00:06:00
Defining the Router00:06:00
Defining the Constructor00:06:00
Create & Delete using Post00:06:00
Get and Delete Methods00:07:00
Creating Login Component00:08:00
Components in Routing File00:08:00
Creating Employee Files00:07:00
Progress Info00:07:00
Fields and Textboxes00:07:00
Labels and Buttons00:06:00
New Component to Add Employee00:06:00
Properties related to New Employee00:06:00
Backend & Frontend Application00:07:00
Working of our Application00:06:00
Logout Component00:04:00