Course Curriculum
- 8 sections
- 37 lectures
- 3 hours, 9 minutes total length
Sign up for an OpenAI Account00:01:00
Using ChatGPT for language translation00:04:00
Using ChatGPT for Asking Questions00:03:00
Code generation and code debugging with ChatGPT00:02:00
Creating social media posts with ChatGPT00:08:00
Blogging Articles and Editing00:04:00
Using ChatGPT for Letters and Resumes00:05:00
Generating Business Ideas00:05:00
Do marketing Research00:16:00
Generate Marketing Ideas00:04:00
Provide an agreement for writing service00:02:00
ChatGPT for Teaching (Accounting)00:03:00
Solve a Math Question00:01:00
Create Short Story00:04:00
Role Play00:02:00
Write article00:07:00
Write a speech00:09:00
Write a Conversation00:02:00
Suggest Research Ideas and Topics00:03:00
Find creative titles for your article00:04:00
Create an outline or structure for your paper00:02:00
Summarization of Paper00:22:00
Keyword Extraction00:02:00
Plagiarism detection? (actually, not)00:03:00
Limitations of ChatGPT part – 0100:02:00
Limitations of ChatGPT part – 0200:05:00
Will ChatGPT generate junk information to flood internet00:06:00
Limitations of ChatGPT-Map function not included00:03:00
List Outline for your book00:01:00
My first Chat with ChatGPT, I love it!00:22:00
Shorten or Summarize an article00:01:00
Suggest a title for your Online publishing00:12:00
Use ChatGPT as a dictionary00:07:00
Using ChatGPT as Your Personal Secretary00:06:00
Using ChatGPT for Buzz Word Explanation00:03:00
Using ChatGPT for Word Definition00:03:00
Claim Your Certificate
5 course rating - 2 reviews
Ramakrishna Ponnaganti
This is one of the best corse I have come across in. I just realised how I can use the chatGPT to solve problems.